Excelpoint is pleased to announce it is a named supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) G-Cloud 13 framework to supply public-sector organisations with no-code software solutions.
G-Cloud 13 is the latest iteration of the government framework managed by the CSS. UK government departments and public sector bodies can procure cloud-based services from approved suppliers on the digital marketplace at competitive prices without needing to go through a full tender or timely competition procurement process.
It enables them to compress procurement timescales and directly award to a supplier; provides them with access to the latest technology and innovations of products with pre-approved security, GDPR and accessibility compliance and features products with pre-negotiated (by CCS) SLAs and pricing.
In 2021/22, CCS helped the public sector achieve commercial benefits equal to £2.8 billion – supporting world-class public services that offer the best value for taxpayers.
Parry Jenkins, Strategic Business Consultant at Excelpoint, commented: “For public-sector organisations, change is no longer optional, and the pace of change is increasing. Our no-code technology offers the sector the opportunity to embrace a future-proofed and agile software solution that will evolve with each technology wave, rapidly pivot to changes in the economic and policy landscapes, address global volatility and support business objectives. It will do so with the added benefits of minimising the cost of change, accelerating the benefits, and driving through a clear and demonstrable return on investment.”
To learn more about Excelpoint, please contact them at 01325 375930, email hello@excelpoint.co.uk.visit or visit www.excelpoint.co.uk.
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is an Executive Agency of the Cabinet Office, supporting the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services.
To find out more about CCS, visit: www.crowncommercial.gov.uk Follow CCS on Twitter, and LinkedIn.